Research Project

Cluster 4 - Information Technology in Life Sciences

Transcriptomic Screening of Tilapia and Carp for Development of Rapid Diagnostic Kit Growth Markers

PI: Arli Aditya Parikesit
Team Member:
Rizky Nurdiansyah,
Agus Budiawan Naro Putra

External Collaborators: Research Institute for Fish Breeding, Subang, Indonesia (BRPI KKP)
Students Involvement:
Stefanus Bernard (Bioinformatics Student)

Project Description:

Up to this point, the transcriptomics biomarkers for fish is not a commonly catered topic. Our team is trying to elicit ncRNA biomarkers 2 and 3D detection to observe their chemical reactivity and structures. In the end, we successfully produced a solid pipeline to conduct molecular simulation of Fish’s ncRNA biomarkers with modest computational power.  

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