Research Project

Cluster 4 - Information Technology in Life Sciences

Study of 2 and 3-Dimensional Prediction of Breast Cancer Biomarkers from The Lincrna-Ror/Mir-145/Arf6 Expression Pathway

This Project is Supported by

Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology​


PI: Arli Aditya Parikesit
Team Member:
Rizky Nurdiansyah
David Agustriawan

External Collaborators: N/A
Students Involvement:
Jeremias Ivan (Bioinformatics Student)

Project Description:

The search for fine-grained Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) biomarkers is considered a complex endeavor. Therefore, we devised a transcriptomics-based pipeline to cater the needs. The in-house molecular simulation methods were deployed, and the docking method could provide general protocol to detect the 2 and 3D structures of the non-coding (nc)RNA biomarkers. Herewith, we deployed our ncRNA TNBC biomarkers with molecular dynamics simulation and optimized the parameters accordingly. With the assistance of the NVIDIA ® corporation GPU research grant, we are able to resolve the ncRNA stability repertoire in a satisfactory manner.

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