Community Service Project

Cluster 3 - Biotechnology for Sustainable Society

Initiating Zero-Waste School Seminar

PI: Katherine Kho, Ph.D.

Team Member:
Putu Virginia Partha Devanthi,
Leticia Harjono,
Givens Marpaung,
Sanjaya Waani

External Collaborators: N/A

Students Involvement: N/A

Project Description:

Education and habit must be started from a young age. One of the key problems in solving the waste problem is to train children from a young age to properly minimize their waste. School is an important part of children’s lives as they spend most of their time there. As such, the school has a very important role in training children to have good habits. The objective of this community service is to train teachers on how to initiate zero waste programs in the schools

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