Community Service Project

Cluster 3 - Biotechnology for Sustainable Society

Urban Composting Workshop ​

PI: Katherine Kho, Ph.D.

Team Member:
Putu Virginia Partha Devanthi, Ph.D.,
Leticia Harjono,
Givens Marpaung,
Sanjaya Waani

External Collaborators: N/A

Students Involvement: N/A

Project Description:

One of the key principles in waste management is known as Waste Management Hierarchy, which refers to reducing, reusing, and recycling. The first step to do is to reduce, which involves prevention of waste generation and reduction of waste generated. The second step is to reuse any material and the last step is to recycle the material. In Jakarta, more than 65% of waste generated is organic waste, if managed properly; it could be used for energy generation such as biogas and fertilizer production to recycle the nutrients. The community service focuses on fertilizer production that can enrich soil and plants. We aim to educate society on how to properly start and make compost from organic waste.

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