External Collaborators: RS. Lira Medika Students Involvement: N/A
Project Description:
This project aims to create a database system for drug interactions that is integrated with the prescribing system in real time. This hopefully would prevent drug errors and improve workflow efficiency at Lira Medika Hospital.
The results obtained from this activity are as follows: (1) Prototype of drug interaction system; (2) Simple Patent Registration; (3) Dissemination of research results as an oral presenter at the BBC International Conference; (4) Final manuscript that is submitted to a reputable journal and has an impact factor; (5) Final community service manuscript submitted to an international journal; (6) Textbook entitled “Utilizing Information System to Tackle Drug-Drug Interaction in Clinical Setting”; (7) The copyright for textbooks at point number 6 has already received a certificate from the Ministry of Human Rights and the Director General of Intellectual Property; (8) Workshop and Training: Development of a drug interaction system with Larafel and mariaDB for drug data in Indonesia; (9) MBKM activities there are 7 students who participate in this activity.
This Project is Supported by
Kedaireka - Kampus Merdeka
Matching Fund Kedaireka 2021/2022
David Agustriawan, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Pembuatan Database Interaksi Antar Obat Yang Terintegrasi Dengan Sistem Peresepan Terkomputerisasi Pada Rumah Sakit